Account Deletion

If you wish to delete your account and associated data from our PiRentz Partner or PiRentz Hiring or PiRentz Operator apps, we have streamlined a simple process for your convenience. Please follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Write an email to, expressing your request for account deletion. You can also call us at 18001206969.

Step 2: Within a maximum time frame of 24 hours from the submission of your request, one of our dedicated executives will reach out to you for the purpose of verification and confirmation.

Step 3: Once the confirmation process is completed, your account and all associated data will be permanently deleted. Please note that this deletion will be carried out within 21 working days from the date of your initial request.

We assure you that your request will be handled promptly and with utmost care to ensure the complete removal of your account from our system.